Guided Hikes

        Private Interpretive Guided Hikes                            focusing on wildlife

Half Day (4-5 hours or less if you want)

1-2 people: CDN $205 for the group

3 or more people: CDN $75 / person

Full Day (6+ hours)

1-2 people: CDN $265

3 or more people: CDN $95 / person

         +1 403-629-5688


Bear Country Guiding & Consulting provides exclusively private tours, meaning that you and your group don't have to accommodate to other people. A wide variety of interpretive guided hikes is available from easy half day trips to medium or more strenuous day hikes in south-west Alberta. We will customize your trip to your ambitions, experience and fitness level. You can choose from an easy walk along a scenic mountain lake to a more difficult hike up to an alpine meadow. We combine interpretation with providing practical knowledge of bear/wildlife safety. If you are a traveler or a new hiker we can start with the basics about wildlife and mountains. With local and more experienced people we can go more into details. If you are afraid of hiking in bear country we will help you feel more confident in this wonderland. If you are over confident…, well then we can show you why you should not be.  Our hikes are interactive, meaning for example that you can share with us your experience with wildlife and we can all learn from it. If you like to hear stories we can definitely tell you some.

Book a Hike

We are not a wildlife viewing enterprise. In fact, we teach our clients how to avoid close wildlife encounters that are always potentially dangerous for both people and the animals involved. However, we hike in bear country, meaning that chances always are to see bears and other wildlife and/or signs of their presence. Nature will assure there won’t be two hikes that are the same, even on the same trail. Likewise, our spontaneous style will ensure you hear something new if you return to hike with us again. We focus on bears, but use opportunities also to talk about other wildlife species, plants, mountains and the interactions of all. 

If you feel ready for  an adventure, please contact us on the booking page, email us or give us a call.

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